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Schmidt - Too lazy to blog properly

Not crazy enough to blog interestingly.

Go down. See details about our story about sedimentation (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 188304 (2007); Virt. J. Nanosc. Sci. & Tech. 15, Issue 19 (2007), therein filed under "Micro and Nano Electromechanical Systems", -Wow.)

Deadline expired. I had a postdoc position available starting in October 2007 on Non-additive hard sphere mixtures, see the description of the grant. To apply online, see the recruitment website of Bristol University for the Job Advertisement. Informal enquiries, via email to me, were welcome!

28 February 2007: Dr. Hendrik Reich and Dr. Andrea Fortini. Congratulations to both, well done!

15 February 2006: At The Hawthornes at lunch time. "May I introduce you to Dr. S.; he is the one of our colleagues who spends half of his time updating his webpage."

At least they have not yet found out how I spend the other half.

5 February 2007: My colleagues had asked me to give a Physics Colloquium at Bristol about Interfaces and Dynamics in Colloidal Dispersions. And I did!

3 June 2006: Come on! This section was called "Archive" and is as boring as it ever was. You have renamed it just to appear trendy. Next thing will be podcasts or what?

1 June 2006: A PhD position, co-funded by HP Labs Bristol was available and is now filled.

Ordering of nanoparticles in liquid crystals

Liquid crystals are partially frozen fluids, where eg the molecular orientations are ordered but the molecular positions remain disordered. This self-organization phenomenon originates from anisotropic shapes of the constituent particles, and leads commonly to very rich phase behavior. The project aims at studying the behavior of added colloidal nanoparticles that are dispersed in a liquid crystal using state-of-the-art density functional theory. Both bulk and capillary effects will be investigated and are of interest from a fundamental point of view as well as for guiding potential applications in novel display devices.

The position is a CASE studentship jointly funded by EPSRC and HP Labs Bristol.

1 April 2006: A recent publication [Phys. Rev. E 72, 031405 (2005)] has introduced, in a collaborative effort, significant improvements of scientific terminology in liquid state theory (see the excerpt on the right taken from p 6). Paragraph of text

1 August 2005: On leave from:
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Theoretische Physik II
Universitätsstraße 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Fon +49 211 8112744
Fax +49 211 8112262

22 July 2005: This man inherits my office in Düsseldorf! It is very fortunate that he is an expert not only in cycling (and many other areas) but also in recycling.

20 June 2005. See students' research (in German): Versuch im Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikums an der HHUD.

1 May 2005: I feel honored to be an author of one of their Top Papers 2004, but find posting less obtrusive than what is suggested by JPCM:
Please attach a copy whenever you e-mail scientific colleagues about your work in future.

31 Jan 2005: Expanded publications section.

19 Jan 2005: Seven people showed up of whom one left after I had completed my first sentence. The remaining six gave me feedback almost like a big audience!

Weiche Materie
MS, Informationswochen für Schüler/-innen, Dienstag, 18. Januar 2005, 14 Uhr, HHUD

Der Vortrag bietet eine Einführung in verschiedene aktuelle naturwissenschaftlich Fragen.

15 Jan 2005*: A careful and detailed quantitative analysis of the statistics of useage of this website as obtained from (both written and verbal) feedback from its visitors clearly provides a formidable guide to strategically exploiting the means of rapid communication that the world-wide web offers to the scientific community.
Home 4%*
CV 0%
Publications 0%
People 96%
Teaching 0%
Blog 0%
* "I had lost your telephone number."

14 Jan 2005: Now that proved to be a topic that stirs up people!

Physik von Musik
MS, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Düsseldorf, 13. Januar 2005

Wie wird aus Schall Musik? Warum klingen Violine und Trommel? Welche Selbstorganisationsphänomene gibt es in frenetischem Applaus? Dieser Vortrag behandelt theoretische Grundlagen und bietet einen Streifzug durch die Physik verschiedener akustischer Erscheinungen, die mit der Wahrnehmung von Musik zusammenhängen. Einige davon werden in Demonstrationen vorgestellt.

Vorlesung im Wintersemester 2004/05 an der HHUD
Statistische Mechanik von flüssigen Grenzflächen

Zeit: donnerstags und freitags, 10-12 und 14-16 Uhr, mit den Terminen:
Do 23.9., Fr 24.9.
Do 30.9., Fr 1.10.
Do 7.10., Fr 8.10.
Do 14.10.

Ort: Raum
Inhalt: Ausgehend von einer thermodynamischen Beschreibung von Systemen mit Oberflächen werden relevante Begriffe wie Wand- und Grenzflächenspannung und Adsorption eingeführt. Die Vorlesung behandelt Benetzungseigenschaften von Substraten, Kapillarkondensation in engen Poren, den Kontaktwinkel einer Flüssigkeitsoberfläche und einer Wand, sowie Benetzung von Oberflächen. Die dazu nötigen Grundbegriffe aus der Dichtefunktionaltheorie klassischer Flüssigkeiten werden eingeführt und explizite Schemata wie Mean-Field- und lokale-Dichte-Näherung vorgestellt.

Beginn: Donnerstag, 23.9.2004, 10.30 Uhr, Raum

31 Dec 2004*: Former affiliation (2003-2004).

Soft Condensed Matter Group
Debye Institute
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
The Netherlands

Office: Ornstein Lab 021
Fon +31 (0) 30-253 3519
Fax +31 (0) 30-253 2706

24 Dec 2004*: Updated.

Research statement. My interests focus on interfaces in complex fluids (such as colloidal or colloid-polymer mixtures), their phase behavior, and the structure of adsorbates at surfaces and in porous media. [...] Recent highlights are the development of a Rosenfeld functional (named after a pioneer) for non-additive hard spheres (article from journal or here) and, based on a very different technique, confocal laser scanning microscopy, the direct visual observation of thermal capillary waves (article from journal or here).

21 Dec 2004: Comments received (referees remain anonymous and contents has been edited for clarity and compactness.)

Dear Dr. S.,
today I took the time to have a closer look at your admirable website and much enjoyed the 'people' listing. It was nice to see some photos of scientists whose work I know but have never met (for instance I now realise that Andrea Fortini is not a woman). However, I have the feeling that it must be possible to find a more humiliating picture of Professor Evans; you might want to contact me to learn more about my corresponding large repository.
Dear Dr. S.,
you seem to have had rather a nice time with your website and thanks very much for telling me that my homepage had died. However, it has risen from the ashes once again, and you can put your link on.
Concerning some geographical information that you provide, I'd better tell you the truth about the West of England sometime.
Sincerely, [...]
Very funny. Almost as funny as Rudi Carell.
You're working on your website to avoid having to work on the draft of our paper.

20 Dec 2004: What do you expect? -This site is brandnew.
*Some of the chronological data is not intended to be understood very literally.
Universität Bayreuth > Physikalisches Insitut > Theoretische Physik II > M Schmidt
Copyright © MS 16 September 2018